Jan Voss

DE • 1945
Information about the artist
Jan Voss (* 1945 Hildesheim) The German artist Jan Voss studied from 1966-1972 at the Düsseldorf Academy of Fine Arts. His multimedia-based work includes editions, graphics, painting, objects, drawing, literature, as well as more than 100 artist books. Among other things, Voss has maintained a longstanding friendship with Dieter Roth and is a founding member of the Dieter Roth Academy. His work has been shown in numerous exhibitions in Switzerland and Germany as well as in Iceland and the Netherlands, where he also worked as an honorary professor. The artist lives and works since 1977 in Amsterdam and Iceland. In 1986, together with other artists, he founded the bookstore Boekie Woekie - an international platform for artist books, which is itself edited as a «sculpture in progress» by the operators. Source: Website Galerie & Edition Marlene Frei
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