Germann Auctionhouse Zurich
Swiss Folk Art (A - Z)
Wednesday, 05 June 2013, 07:00 pm

Anna B. Aemisegger-Giezendanner, Die Alpfahrt

Lot 933

Anna B. Aemisegger-Giezendanner, 1831-1905 (CH)

Die Alpfahrt, approx. 1893

Watercolor, Pencil and India ink on paper.
H 235 mm W 320 mm.

(Frame). Titled.

CHF5'000 / 9'000
EUR4'300 / 8'000
USD5'400 / 10'000

Hammer Price: CHF 4'800


Provenance: Swiss private property.

Literature: - Bruno Bischofberger. Volkskunst aus Appenzell und dem Toggenburg, Sammlung Bruno Bischofberger. Zurich, Edition B-Press, 1973. - Filippa Guy. Blick in eine Idylle, Schweizer Volkskunst und naïve Malerei aus vier Jahrhunderten. Berne, Benteli, 1983 - Franziska Schürch. Landschaft, Senn und Kuh. Die Entdeckung der Appenzeller Volkskunst. Münster, Waxmann Verlag, 2008.

Further works by the artist

Anna Barbara Aemisegger-Giezendanner (1831-1905) invites us to imerse in an idealised view of rural life around 150 years ago. «S'Giezedanners Babeli», as the artist was popularly called at the time, lost her husband at an early age and subsequently had to earn the family's living alone as a widow with three children. Since hand weaving was not profitable enough, she trained herself to become a master in drawing and painting peasant motifs. Numerous farmers commissioned her to portray their pride and joy, meaning their farm, garden, livestock and family, and Babeli Giezendanner kept her head above water with her art commissions.
Giezendanners paintings are created with the greatest care and richness of detail and takes us back to a past era, to a countryside idyll to dream about.