Tom Phillips

GB • 1937-2022
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Works in past auctions

25. June 2024

610   Tom Phillips

3 works: Triptych; Terminal Greys; Trying to make a grey Rainbow, 1971-1972
3 works: Triptych; Terminal Greys; Trying to make a grey Rainbow, 1971-1972
Hammer Price: CHF 850
26. June 2024

1068   Tom Phillips

65 sheets (Cantos XVIII- XXXIV) from "Dante's Inferno", 1982
65 sheets (Cantos XVIII- XXXIV) from "Dante's Inferno"
Hammer Price: CHF 280
26. June 2024

728   Tom Phillips

A Humument, 1970
A Humument
Hammer Price: CHF 280
26. June 2024

1067   Tom Phillips

5 sheets: Untitled
5 sheets: Untitled
Hammer Price: CHF 180
25. June 2024

611   Tom Phillips

Two works: Untitled, 1975
Two works: Untitled, 1975
Hammer Price: CHF 180