Germann Auctionhouse Zurich
Important Paintings, Sculptures, Watercolors and Drawings
Tuesday, 19 June 2007, 07:00 pm

Urs Lüthi, Selbstportrait aus der Serie der grossen Gefühle, No. 12, 1984

Lot 159

Urs Lüthi, 1947 (CH)

Selbstportrait aus der Serie der grossen Gefühle, No. 12, 1984

Acrylic on canvas.
H 2000 mm W 1600 mm.

CHF7'500 / 8'500
EUR6'500 / 7'400
USD8'100 / 9'100

Hammer Price: CHF 7'000


Verso titled and twice signed and dated.

Exhibition: Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 1986.
Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Sehn-Sucht (Facetten eines Selbstportraits), Urs Lüthi. Winterthur, Kunstmuseum, 1986. Page 20 (illustration 2nd from right).