Germann Auctionhouse Zurich
Important Paintings, Sculptures, Watercolors, Drawings and Multiples
Monday, 22 June 2020, 06:00 pm

Matias Spescha, Untitled

Lot 7

Matias Spescha, 1925-2008 (CH)

Untitled, 1990

Acrylic on burlap.
H 1870 mm W 2320 mm.


Galerie Renée Ziegler, Zurich;
Swiss property.

Bages, Galerie le Bidule, 1990.


This painting was executed by Matias Spescha for the Opening Reception at the Galerie le Bidule.
We thank Mrs Iris Saner for her kind assistance in cataloguing the artwork.

*CHF10'000 / 15'000
*EUR10'000 / 14'000
*USD11'000 / 16'000

Hammer Price: CHF 15'000