Germann Auctionhouse Zurich
Portfolios and Books
Wednesday, 29 November 2023, 06:00 pm

Portfolio, Cerebral

Lot 625


Cerebral, 1994

Heliogravure by B. Burkhard; Color woodcut on Japan paper by F. Gertsch; Etching and aquatint by M. Raetz; Silkscreen printed in colors by J. Armleder; Etching by B. Luginbühl; Color photo lithograph by Fischli/Weiss.
Different formats.

All sheets: 38/80. Each signed and signed with the monogram. On cover of folder: 38/80. Signed in the colophon by H. Szeemann. Schweizerische Stiftung für das cerebral gelähmte Kind. All sheets in cardboard folder.

CHF5'000 / 8'000
EUR5'100 / 8'100
USD5'500 / 8'800

Hammer Price: CHF 6'000

Swiss Private Property.

Mason/Willi-Cosandier 240b (Raetz); Aebersold 273 III A (Luginbühl).