Editions, Lot 801 - 1171
Wednesday, 26 June 2024, 05:30 pm CET
  • Acconci Vito
  • Agam Yaacov
  • Alechinsky Pierre
  • Amiet Cuno
  • Arman
  • Armleder John M.
  • Arp Hans
  • Artschwager Richard
  • Attersee Christian Ludwig
  • Bacon Francis
  • Baier Jean
  • Bailly Alice
  • Baldessari John
  • Balkenhol Stephan
  • Barney Mathew
  • Baselitz Georg
  • Bauer Marc
  • Baumberger Otto
  • Bayrle Thomas
  • Beecroft Vanessa
  • Beuys Joseph
  • Bill Max
  • Botero Fernando
  • Bourgeois Louise
  • Buffet Bernard
  • Burger Wilhelm Friedrich
  • Bury Pol
  • Busch Ernst
  • Calder Alexander
  • Calle Sophie
  • Cardinaux Emil
  • Carigiet Alois
  • Castellani Enrico
  • Chagall Marc
  • Chillida Eduardo
  • Christo
  • Close Chuck
  • Comte Claudia
  • Convert Jean
  • Cragg Tony
  • Crippa Roberto
  • Cucchi Enzo
  • Dalí Salvador
  • Degas Edgar
  • Demand Thomas
  • de Saint Phalle Niki
  • Dibbets Jan
  • Diebenkorn Richard
  • Dine Jim
  • Disler Martin
  • Doig Peter
  • Dongen Kees van
  • Dorazio Piero
  • Dudovich Marcello
  • Eliasson Olafur
  • Emin Tracey
  • Epper Ignaz
  • Export Valie
  • Fischer Urs
  • Fischli/Weiss (Peter Fischli & David Weiss)
  • Förg Günther
  • Fornasetti Piero
  • Francis Sam
  • Fraser Andrea
  • Freud Lucian
  • Fuchs Ernst
  • Genovés Juan
  • Gertsch Franz
  • Giger HR
  • Gonschior Kuno
  • Gonzalez-Torres Felix
  • Gottlieb Adolph
  • Graeser Camille
  • Graham Dan
  • Gros Mireille
  • Gursky Andreas
  • Hamilton Richard
  • Hanimann Alex
  • Hardmeyer Robert
  • Haring Keith
  • Hartung Hans
  • Hasenböhler Serge
  • Herold Georg
  • Hirschhorn Thomas
  • Hodler Ferdinand
  • Holzer Jenny
  • Hundertwasser Friedensreich
  • Hutter Schang
  • Ikemura Leiko
  • Immendorff Jörg
  • Iseli Rolf
  • Johns Jasper
  • Jones Allen
  • Kandinsky Wassily
  • Katz Alex
  • Kelley Mike
  • Kelly Ellsworth
  • Kentridge William
  • Kippenberger Martin
  • Kitaj Ronald Brooks
  • Klein Yves
  • Kneffel Karin
  • Kokoschka Oskar
  • Konvolut
  • Koons Jeff
  • Kounellis Jannis
  • Kreienbühl Jürg
  • Kruger Barbara
  • Kyncl Frantisek
  • Landy Michael
  • Lassnig Maria
  • Le Corbusier
  • Lehmbruck Wilhelm
  • Leupin Herbert
  • LeWitt Sol
  • Lichtenstein Roy
  • Lodato Peter
  • Loewensberg Verena
  • Lohse Richard Paul
  • Lüpertz Markus
  • Mangold Robert
  • Meuser Klaus
  • Mirer Rudolf
  • Miró Joan
  • Moore Henry
  • Morellet François
  • Motherwell Robert
  • Muehl Otto
  • Mumprecht Rudolf
  • Nauman Bruce
  • Oehlen Albert
  • Oehlen Markus
  • Oldenburg Claes
  • Oppenheim Meret
  • Paik Nam June
  • Parc Julio Le
  • Pasmore Victor
  • Patterson Simon
  • Peikert Martin
  • Penck A.R.
  • Pettibon Raymond
  • Phillips Tom
  • Phillips Tom
  • Picasso Pablo
  • Piene Otto
  • Poliakoff Serge
  • Polke Sigmar
  • Press-Art
  • Prince Richard
  • Raetz Markus
  • Ramos Mel
  • Rauschenberg Robert
  • Reisenbauer Heinrich
  • Richter Daniel
  • Richter Gerhard
  • Riley Bridget
  • Rist Pipilotti
  • Rittener Didier
  • Rizzi James
  • Rohner Jean-Paul
  • Rondinone Ugo
  • Rossi Aldo
  • Ruscha Edward
  • Santomaso Giuseppe
  • Schnyder Albert
  • Schöffer Nicolas
  • Schreyer Lothar
  • Schütte Thomas
  • Serra Richard
  • Sherman Cindy
  • Signer Roman
  • Soulages Pierre
  • Spescha Matias
  • Stella Frank
  • Strba Annelies
  • Sturtevant Elaine
  • Sugimoto Hiroshi
  • Tàpies Antoni
  • Tinguely Jean
  • Tomasello Luis R.
  • Tschirtner Oswald
  • Turrell James
  • Tuymans Luc
  • Twombly Cy
  • Uecker Günther
  • Ufan Lee
  • Vautier Ben
  • Warhol Andy
  • Welf Edmund
  • West Franz
  • Whiteread Rachel
  • Wittwer Uwe
  • Wool Christopher
  • Yokoi Teruko
  • Zurkinden Irène
  • Grafik 20. / 21. Jh.
4 sheets: Untitled, 1971; 1986
26. June 2024

1129   Matias Spescha

4 sheets: Untitled, 1971; 1986
2 linocuts; 2 lithographs printed in colours. H 490 mm W 490 mm (2); H 500 mm W 650 mm H 650 mm W 500 mm.
CHF400 / 600
EUR400 / 600
USD430 / 650

Hammer Price: CHF 1'500

7 sheets from the portfolio "Sinnieren über Schmutz"
26. June 2024

1135   Antoni Tàpies

7 sheets from the portfolio "Sinnieren über Schmutz", 1976/78
Lithographs printed in colours. Each H 450 mm W 330 mm.
CHF800 / 1'200
EUR800 / 1'200
USD870 / 1'300

Hammer Price: CHF 1'500

2 sheets: Verdichtung im blauen Quadrat,  1983; Twin made of two equal parts, 1976
26. June 2024

831   Max Bill

2 sheets: Verdichtung im blauen Quadrat, 1983; Twin made of two equal parts, 1976
Silkscreens printed in colors. H 830 mm W 600 mm; H 600 mm W 830 mm.
CHF500 / 800
EUR500 / 800
USD540 / 870

Hammer Price: CHF 1'400

2 sheets: Irregular Grey Frame, 1988; Irregular Red Frame, 1988
26. June 2024

1021   Robert Mangold

2 sheets: Irregular Grey Frame, 1988; Irregular Red Frame, 1988
Silkscreens printed in colours. Each H 460 mm W 370 mm.
CHF1'000 / 1'500
EUR1'000 / 1'500
USD1'000 / 1'600

Hammer Price: CHF 1'400

Sheet from "Liberté des libertés"
26. June 2024

1026   Joan Miró

Sheet from "Liberté des libertés", 1971
Lithograph printed in colours on Arches wove paper. H 465 mm W 347 mm.
CHF1'200 / 1'800
EUR1'200 / 1'800
USD1'300 / 1'900

Hammer Price: CHF 1'400

Le cocon (il vit), Objet-porte-bonheur
26. June 2024

1051   Meret Oppenheim

Le cocon (il vit), Objet-porte-bonheur, 1974
Multiple. Satin pillow with inlaid quicksilver, twigs and foliage, in small wooden box with movable acrylic glass cover. H 95 mm W 160 mm D 130 mm.
CHF800 / 1'200
EUR800 / 1'200
USD870 / 1'300

Hammer Price: CHF 1'400

Roto Zaza No. 1
26. June 2024

1138   Jean Tinguely

Roto Zaza No. 1
Lithograph printed in colours, reworked. H 500 mm W 650 mm.
CHF800 / 1'200
EUR800 / 1'200
USD870 / 1'300

Hammer Price: CHF 1'400

26. June 2024

1147   Günther Uecker

Untitled, 2002
Color lithograph on embossed print. H 305 mm W 210 mm.
CHF800 / 1'200
EUR800 / 1'200
USD870 / 1'300

Hammer Price: CHF 1'400

Variables Bild
26. June 2024

808   Hans Arp

Variables Bild, 1964
Multiple. Paper on collage on wood, below acrylic glass. H 400 mm W 400 mm.
CHF1'500 / 2'000
EUR1'500 / 2'000
USD1'600 / 2'100

Hammer Price: CHF 1'300

Backstein für F.I.U.
26. June 2024

828   Joseph Beuys

Backstein für F.I.U., 1983
Brick. H 55 mm W 240 mm D 115 mm.
CHF500 / 700
EUR500 / 700
USD540 / 760

Hammer Price: CHF 1'300

Stazione Estiva Grigione, Svizzera
26. June 2024

854   Emil Cardinaux

Stazione Estiva Grigione, Svizzera, 1909
Lithograph printed in colours. H 1030 mm W 726 mm.
CHF1'500 / 2'000
EUR1'500 / 2'000
USD1'600 / 2'100

Hammer Price: CHF 1'300

Poster. Rhätische Bahn - Graubünden Schweiz - Silsersee Oberengadin
26. June 2024

855   Emil Cardinaux

Poster. Rhätische Bahn - Graubünden Schweiz - Silsersee Oberengadin
Lithograph printed in colours, mounted on Japan paper. H 1270 mm W 880mm.
CHF1'500 / 2'500
EUR1'500 / 2'500
USD1'600 / 2'700

Hammer Price: CHF 1'300

Kleines rotes Männchen in einer Muschel
26. June 2024

1046   Meret Oppenheim

Kleines rotes Männchen in einer Muschel, 1975
Line cliché, hand-coloured. H 225 mm W 154 mm.
CHF1'500 / 2'500
EUR1'500 / 2'500
USD1'600 / 2'700

Hammer Price: CHF 1'300

Points of Contact No. 16
26. June 2024

1057   Victor Pasmore

Points of Contact No. 16, 1973
Silkscreen printed in colours. H 750 mm W 505 mm.
CHF700 / 1'000
EUR700 / 1'000
USD760 / 1'000

Hammer Price: CHF 1'300

Once Upon a Time in a Land of Make Believe
26. June 2024

1101   James Rizzi

Once Upon a Time in a Land of Make Believe, 1992
Silkscreen printed in colors, three-dimensional. H 140 mm W 995 mm.
CHF1'000 / 1'500
EUR1'000 / 1'500
USD1'000 / 1'600

Hammer Price: CHF 1'250

Untitled, from "National Collection of Fine Arts Portfolio"
26. June 2024

902   Sam Francis

Untitled, from "National Collection of Fine Arts Portfolio", 1968
Colour offset print on Arches paper. H 740 mm W 540 mm.
CHF800 / 1'200
EUR800 / 1'200
USD870 / 1'300

Hammer Price: CHF 1'200

26. June 2024

962   Friedensreich Hundertwasser

L'expulsion, 1967
Lithograph printed in colours. H 705 mm W 890 mm.
CHF1'400 / 1'800
EUR1'400 / 1'800
USD1'500 / 1'900

Hammer Price: CHF 1'200

Lines in Four Directions, With Alternating Color and Gray Bands
26. June 2024

1002   Sol LeWitt

Lines in Four Directions, With Alternating Color and Gray Bands, 1993
Water based Ukioy-E woodcut on Tosa-Misumi paper. H 584 mm H 584 mm.
CHF1'500 / 2'000
EUR1'500 / 2'000
USD1'600 / 2'100

Hammer Price: CHF 1'200

2 sheets: Fünfzehn systematische Farbreihen, 1968; 
Sechs kontinuierliche mengengleiche Farbbänder, 1973
26. June 2024

1014   Richard Paul Lohse

2 sheets: Fünfzehn systematische Farbreihen, 1968;
Sechs kontinuierliche mengengleiche Farbbänder, 1973
Silkscreen printed in colours on cardboard; Colour serigraph on plastic. H 600 mm W 600 mm; H 320 mm W 800 mm.
CHF300 / 500
EUR300 / 500
USD320 / 540

Hammer Price: CHF 1'200

Untitled, from "Points of Contact - Linear Developments (No. 1 thru' 7)
26. June 2024

1056   Victor Pasmore

Untitled, from "Points of Contact - Linear Developments (No. 1 thru' 7), 1970
Silkscreen printed in colours. H 470 mm W 470 mm.
CHF500 / 700
EUR500 / 700
USD540 / 760

Hammer Price: CHF 1'200

Life Is Fun, Life Is Strange
26. June 2024

1103   James Rizzi

Life Is Fun, Life Is Strange, 2004
Silkscreen printed in colors, three-dimensional. H 440 mm W 80 mm.
CHF300 / 500
EUR300 / 500
USD320 / 540

Hammer Price: CHF 1'200

26. June 2024

1114   Nicolas Schöffer

Varetra, 1975
Multiple. Light sculpture, including 5 coloured plexiglas panels for replacement. H 220 mm W 125 mm D 125 mm.
CHF800 / 1'200
EUR800 / 1'200
USD870 / 1'300

Hammer Price: CHF 1'200

4 part series: Von der Zeichnung zur Plastik in llanz
26. June 2024

1125   Matias Spescha

4 part series: Von der Zeichnung zur Plastik in llanz, 1989
Color lithographs. Each 670 mm W 510 mm .
*CHF800 / 1'200
*EUR800 / 1'200
*USD870 / 1'300

Hammer Price: CHF 1'200

26. June 2024

858   Enrico Castellani

Embossing. H 125 mm W 174 mm.
*CHF200 / 300
*EUR200 / 300
*USD210 / 320

Hammer Price: CHF 1'100

26. June 2024

973   Allen Jones

Icarus, 1968
Lithograph printed in colours. H 700 mm W 1000 mm.
CHF400 / 600
EUR400 / 600
USD430 / 650

Hammer Price: CHF 1'100

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