Germann Auctionhouse Zurich
Wednesday, 26 June 2024, 05:30 pm

Grafik 20. / 21. Jh., 5 sheets: S. Gritsch, 1994; C. Moser, 2001; S. Bächli, 2001; V. Gastaldon, 2003; N. Hess, 2003

Lot 941

Grafik 20. / 21. Jh.

5 sheets: S. Gritsch, 1994; C. Moser, 2001; S. Bächli, 2001; V. Gastaldon, 2003; N. Hess, 2003

Different techniques and formats.
H 650 mm W 990 mm.

All sheets signed or signed with the monogram; 4 sheets dated, all numbered. (5).

CHF400 / 600
EUR400 / 600
USD430 / 650

Hammer Price: CHF 450

Collection Clarisse Gagnebin, Zurich.

Christian Rümelin (Ed.). 100/125. Hundert Jahre Schweizerische Graphische Gesellschaft. Zürich 2018, No. 186, 209, 208, 213, 214.


Nic Hess: red, round acetate foil missing