Photography (A - Z), Lot 1401 - 1498
Thursday, 20 May 2010, 06:00 pm CET
  • Anüll Ian
  • Araki Nobuyoshi
  • Boltanski Christian
  • Brenner Frédéric
  • Cartier-Bresson Henri
  • Daguerreotypie
  • Dienes André de
  • Dräyer Walter
  • Dulmen Mike de
  • Enos Chris
  • Fischli Peter
  • Fotografie
  • Fotografie
  • Frame Allen
  • Gloeden Wilhelm von
  • Graham Dan
  • Hirakawa Noritoshi
  • Höfer Candida
  • JOKO (Karin Jost/ Regula J. Kopp)
  • Klauke Jürgen
  • Lattes Jean
  • Lucana (Ana Lucia Pérez Tobón)
  • Lum Ken
  • Lüthi Urs
  • Makos Christopher
  • Mark Oliver
  • Montgomery Barron Jeannette
  • Mullican Matt
  • Muray Nickolas
  • Netzhammer Yves
  • Photoglob Zürich
  • Plüschow Guglielmo
  • Quinn Edward
  • Ruff Thomas
  • Seidner David
  • Shaw Sam
  • Shulman Julius
  • Signer Roman
  • Smith Melanie
  • Steichen Edward
  • Steiner Albert
  • Stern Bert
  • Strba Annelies
  • Streuli Beat
  • Suter Hugo
  • Welling James
  • Wolff Paul
  • Wols (Wolfgang Schulze)
  • Wool Christopher
20. May 2010

1447   Jürgen Klauke

Photo installation of the work group "Auf leisen Sohlen", 1982/83
Photo installation of the work group "Auf leisen Sohlen"
Hammer Price: CHF 7'000
20. May 2010

1465   Nickolas Muray

Frida (Kahlo) Painting "The Two Fridas", approx. 1939
Frida (Kahlo) Painting "The Two Fridas"
Hammer Price: CHF 4'400
20. May 2010

1487   Bert Stern

Marilyn Monroe (Last Sitting), 1962
Marilyn Monroe (Last Sitting)
Hammer Price: CHF 4'400
20. May 2010

1469   Edward Quinn

Picasso und Jacqueline, 1955
Picasso und Jacqueline
Hammer Price: CHF 3'600
20. May 2010

1494   James Welling

Untitled, 1980
Hammer Price: CHF 3'400
20. May 2010

1405   Nobuyoshi Araki

10 photographs: Untitled, approx. 1990
10 photographs: Untitled
Hammer Price: CHF 3'200
20. May 2010

1435   Fotografie

Portfolio with 13 color photographs, 1998
Portfolio with 13 color photographs
Hammer Price: CHF 3'200
20. May 2010

1442   Candida Höfer

Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna Rom, 1990
Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna Rom
Hammer Price: CHF 1'800
20. May 2010

1451   Lucana (Ana Lucia Pérez Tobón)

Series Formas: El Ajo, 1994
Series Formas: El Ajo
Hammer Price: CHF 1'800
20. May 2010

1454   Urs Lüthi

Work 4, from the series "The personal dissolves so easily in the typical", 1977
Work 4, from the series "The personal dissolves so easily in the typical"
Hammer Price: CHF 1'800
20. May 2010

1455   Urs Lüthi

Work 6, from the series "The personal dissolves so easily in the typical", 1977
Work 6, from the series "The personal dissolves so easily in the typical"
Hammer Price: CHF 1'800
20. May 2010

1456   Urs Lüthi

Work 8, from the series "The personal dissolves so easily in the typical", 1977
Work 8, from the series "The personal dissolves so easily in the typical"
Hammer Price: CHF 1'800
20. May 2010

1471   David Seidner

Untitled, 1984
Hammer Price: CHF 1'800
20. May 2010

1468   Guglielmo Plüschow

4 sizilianische Jünglinge
4 sizilianische Jünglinge
Hammer Price: CHF 1'500
20. May 2010

1422   Peter Fischli

Untitled, 2001
Hammer Price: CHF 1'400
20. May 2010

1439   Dan Graham

Homes for America, 1974
Homes for America
Hammer Price: CHF 1'400
20. May 2010

1409   Henri Cartier-Bresson

Marilyn Monroe at the Set of "The Misfits", 1960/61
Marilyn Monroe at the Set of "The Misfits"
Hammer Price: CHF 1'100
20. May 2010

1418   André de Dienes

Marilyn Monroe Acting
Marilyn Monroe Acting
Hammer Price: CHF 1'100
20. May 2010

1462   Barron Jeannette Montgomery

Jean-Michel Basquiat, 1984
Jean-Michel Basquiat
Hammer Price: CHF 1'100
20. May 2010

1472   David Seidner

Femme et verre, 1985
Femme et verre
Hammer Price: CHF 1'100
20. May 2010

1440   Noritoshi Hirakawa

Porträt für ein Porträt von Vanessa Beecroft "Für den Mann als Kissen", 1999
Porträt für ein Porträt von Vanessa Beecroft "Für den Mann als Kissen"
Hammer Price: CHF 1'000
20. May 2010

1488   Annelies Strba

In der Küche, 1995
In der Küche
Hammer Price: CHF 950
20. May 2010

1437   Wilhelm von Gloeden

3 photographs: Sizilianischer Jüngling (2); Jüngling auf römischer Amphore sitzend
3 photographs: Sizilianischer Jüngling (2); Jüngling auf römischer Amphore sitzend
Hammer Price: CHF 900
20. May 2010

1450   Lucana (Ana Lucia Pérez Tobón)

Salar de Arizaro - Catamarca - Argentina, 2007
Salar de Arizaro - Catamarca - Argentina
Hammer Price: CHF 900
20. May 2010

1434   Fotografie

3 photo albums: Stadt- und Landschaftsfotografien, approx. 1900
3 photo albums: Stadt- und Landschaftsfotografien
Hammer Price: CHF 800
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